Douglass Defense Services

Background & Fraud Investigations

Video & Photographic Documentation


In conjunction with our Background & Fraud Investigations, we provide complete photographic and videotape services which include preservation of accident scenes, videotape "reconstruction" of alleged injuries and compilation of Designations of Evidence (exhibits) for admission at deposition or trial.


For example, a dishonest employee "stages" an injury planning to receive TTD or LC 4850 Benefits while building or expanding his/her business. This alleged trauma occurred while using a piece of machinery (ie punch press), and we will inspect the equipment, obtain photographs and/or videotape and forward everything to the client and defense attorney for further consideration.


Video Reconstruction of Alleged Injury on Drill Press

Scene of Auto vs Wheelchair Accident



Douglass Defense Services

PO Box 18554

Irvine, CA 92623


949 933-1691